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A film by Aitor Saavedra

The Roosters, a bicycle messengers crew based in Madrid, are looking for new challenges, such as more complex and isolated routes. This time the adventure takes them to Ukraine. Based on the Transcarpathia trail, an ancient mountain route that runs through the Ukrainian Carpathians, The Roosters seek to connect Krakow with Kiev by crossing the Ukrainian mountain range. A long and complicated journey that will test both their strengths and relationships.
The Roosters, un colectivo de bicimensajeros de Madrid, busca nuevos retos en forma de rutas más complejas y aisladas. Esta vez la aventura les lleva a Ucrania. Tomando como base la senda Transcarpathia, una antigua ruta de montaña que atraviesa los cárpatos ucranianos, The Roosters buscan conectar Cracovia con Kiev atravesando la cordillera ucraniana. Un viaje largo y complicado que pondrá a prueba tanto sus fuerzas como su relación personal.

Documentary, travel, bike






Walden Studio

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